Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Here's to a Happy, Healthy 28!

On the eve of my 28th birthday, I am overwhelmed by the grace God has shown me this Summer, during this 19-month journey and in my 28 years. As of today, I am down 117 lbs. Wow! I can only say that it is truly the strength God has given me to endure this challenge. To think of this amazing gift that He has given me, it brings tears to my eyes.

I've completed my final appointments with the trainers and cardiologist and both were very pleased with my progress. During my assessment at Fitness Together, I was able to improve in all my physical fitness testing and most of my measurements decreased. I was thrilled to learn that I've burned off 20 lbs. of body fat weight, lowering it 20 percent, and I increasing my lean weight by 4 percent. My heart is in great shape and improving. I've decreased my heart rate 25 beats per minute and that adds up to a savings of 13 million beats in a year. So I know that if God continues to bless me in this journey of losing weight, that it will be a much happier and healthier year.

I'm thrilled beyond belief in these results because I know it will not only benefit me, it benefits all that matter to me. I will be able to have more energy to spend time with the ones I love: assisting Mom and Grandpa, chasing kiddos, taking run/walks with friends and just enjoying every breath that I take. It gives me new initiative to bring more excitement and activity to my 28th year. Thinking of the amazing opportunities God granted me in my 27th year challenges me to think of all I can do in the next year. I truly cannot wait to see where God takes me. Here are just a few that have already crossed my mind...

  •  Watch Chipper Jones and the Atlanta Braves play against Albert Pujols and the St. Louis Cardinals. 
  •  Speak at the Go Red for Women Luncheon as one of the 10 magnificent women who participated in the Better U Challenge.
  • Watch "The Lion King" 3D on the big screen & relive some favorite childhood memories.
  • Volunteer & "Just Be" at the 2011 Design for Life Conference.
  • See my fantastic Floridian cousins in the STL!
  • Take an amazing road trip to Tulsa to experience The 7  Tour (David Crowder Band & Chris August)  with my dear friend, Bethany Weatherly.
  • Enrich my soul at Fresh Grounded Faith with family & friends.
  • See the Kansas City Plaza at Christmastime.
  • Participate in a 5K with the Heather Hansen!
  • Stand up for some amazing friends, who are like family, as they begin their new life together... Love ya, Jessica & Justin! I'm so excited & honored to be a part of your special day!
  • Volunteer/Work at Louisville2012 watching some of the brightest, most talented teens deploy their God-given talents.
  • Achieve my weight loss goal and maintain a healthy weight.
  • Continue to write content for amazing Christian publications using the gifts God has given me.
  • Grow more and more into woman that God wants me to be... 
Thank you again to my amazing family & friends who have been a tremendous blessing & support. Thank you for being encouragement on the sidelines & in the race! I pray the Lord bless you all as you have been such a blessing to me.  Above all else, remember to Praise Him in every situation because He is Everything!
    "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6

    Many Blessings,

    Monday, August 22, 2011


    So much has changed in my life in the last few months that I have a hard time realizing the person staring back at me in the mirror is really me. I knew she was in there but to actually see her is... unbelievable.

    The same is true, not only regarding the change in my overall health and looks, but also in my life as a whole. This week, a lot of change is coming as the 3-month Better U Program, the American Heart Association health challenge and heart healthy makeover, comes to end. Likewise, this is also my last week at my amazing job that I've held for the past 3 Summers. Little did I know, in both situations, how much I would truly grow.

    When I started the challenge, I knew it would be a great opportunity as I had recently lost 100 lbs., and it could only help me come closer to my goal of becoming healthy. I would be under a doctor's care and receive additional training and nutrition. I had no idea how much the overall change would become a part of me. I love my workout times now; I miss them if I am not able to get them in, even though I did get most of the workouts in during the challenge. I crave the healthier foods and am pretty disgusted by the things that are not "good for me." I'm challenged and want those good numbers to reflect in my assessments next week, but I know I have learned so much more than could ever be shown in numbers and measurements. To top it off though, I have made wonderful friendships with the women in the program and learned so much from the fantastic trainers at Fitness Together. Although I know I will continue working and maintaining, I am going to miss this program.

    Similarly, three years ago when I began working with the National Fine Arts Festival, I never could have imagined the blessed opportunity that had been given to me. I've had the amazing honor of helping some of the most talented teens in the country participate in a festival that encourages them to "discover, develop, deploy" the gifts God has given them.

    Each year as I've watched these amazing young people perform, tears have filled my eyes. They are so inspiring and full of ambition. They know God has given them a great gift and they are eager to share it with others. At the same time, I've also been able to watch my passions, helping youth and writing, grow and come together. I've had the amazing opportunity to interview some of these amazing young people, write their stories and other great content for "ONCOURSE." 

    Working for NFAF and writing for "ONCOURSE" is definitely a great part of God's will being unfolded in my life. I can remember it just like it was yesterday, the Summer night in Mexico when God called me to work with youth. Then, the afternoon sitting at a wrestling tournament chatting with my amazing youth pastor, Ron Hullett, about the dilemma I had as I loved writing and wanted to work for a magazine; however, I knew God had placed this great passion for youth in my heart. It seemed so unbelievably clear when he said, "Well, why don't you work for a Christian Youth Magazine." It's pretty awesome how God works out those things! Then, as if it couldn't get any better, I have made the most amazing, lifelong friends.

    So forgive me if I've become a little emotional, I feel like I'm actually growing into the woman that God created me to be. I feel like I'm making myself an overall healthy person who is going to be able to complete every task that He sets before me. I know that even though there may be questions that He will never leave me. He will always provide for my every need. I know He has great plans and I am excited to see what He has for my future. I'm excited to see how He uses the challenge even more for His will and I'm excited to see where His will will take me.

    Thank you for all of these amazing opportunities, God. Thank you for planting these desires in my heart. Thank you for all You have done and are going to do.

    Many Blessings,

    Wednesday, August 10, 2011

    Seven: So far, So good

    Last week in Phoenix with my friend, Sarah.

    Yes, 7 is what you read in the title & previous post. I am going to complete 7 workouts this week. "Oh. My. Goodness." That's what I thought when I originally read that in the weekly email. However, it is going well. I have already completed 3 workouts & have 2 planned for tomorrow.

    What a difference a year makes. This was last year in Detroit.
    It feels fabulous to be back in the gym! I'm so thankful for my time in Phoenix but I definitely missed being at the gym & I'm excited to get the group experiences in the next few days. Tomorrow, I will be doing a pack workout with Ginger & then I will workout with all the ladies again on Saturday! It will be wonderful to see them all again & hear how they all are doing. I love the fact that this program has brought us together in a great, healthy way. I hope to stay connected with them & hear more of their success stories past the completion of the program.

    With so many things up in the air right now, I am so thankful to know that God never changes. He always provides for our needs & He has certainly given me the strength to get through anything. I'm still amazed how He has & is carrying me through this journey. I'm truly humbled & grateful for all He has done & is going to do. Thank you, God!

    Many Blessings,

    Monday, August 8, 2011

    Rebounding from Phoenix

    One word clearly sums up my entire state of mind & operation right now: Exhaustion.

    The week in Phoenix was Amazing! I love my job & was able to experience so much during this trip. I was blessed beyond measure as I was able to help in multiple ways throughout the week. My week included: watching the students perform, answering frequently asked questions, attending amazing evening services, and occasionally watching an absolutely adorable, baby boy.

    So needless to say in the amazing 80 plus hours of work, including travel, I sadly was not able to get in my workouts. I went with the best intentions of working out, I packed for it & was excited to use the gym, but it was closed. However, since I did not have any transportation, except to & from the airport, I spent a lot of time walking, & also helped in the setup & tear down of the event. So I don't think I had a "bad week" per se, I just had a different type of workout regime.

    I also ate pretty healthy most of the week, I ate healthy snacks, & made healthy choices. Probably the hardest obstacle was dealing with the time change, along with the late nights & early mornings. The blessing of that was that I did watch a lot of beautiful sunrises.

    Now that I've returned, the challenge diet & exercise will resume. I actually received the weekly email before departing Phoenix & was pleasantly surprised to find that I will have 7 workouts this week instead of 6. So the rebound will take place quickly! Looking forward to getting back into the routine & making a strong finish in the program!

    I never could have imagined all that God has blessed me with in the last 18 months. He has definitely given me more than I could ever ask or hope for in this capacity.

    Hope you all have a wonderful week!

    Many Blessings,

    Wednesday, July 27, 2011

    The Heat is On...

    I leave Saturday for Phoenix & my schedule is completely topsy turvy this week!

    I did complete upper body & cardio sessions on my own Monday night. I’m pleased with the progress that I have made with the different workouts. I am able to increase the weights, time put in & calories burned. I am challenging myself more with each session & excited to see the final results at the end of the program.

    Today, I’ll be doing a full body workout at Fitness Together. Although I know they’ll work me hard, I know it will be good & I always enjoy working out in the gym with the team. I thankful that they are working with me & my schedule so even though I will be away, my progress in the program will not delay.

    Patti & I are planning to work out together on Thursday & I plan to use the workout facilities &/or pool that are available at the hotel in Phoenix. God is good & I’m so thankful for the many opportunities He has given me.

    Many Blessings,

    Playin' Catch Up on Posts

    From Saturday, July 23

    So I’m a little behind on the blogging. Life has got super busy with work & working out.

    Transitioning to doing most of the workouts on my own was definitely more of a challenge this week. I’ve been getting so busy preparing for Phoenix that it’s harder to get everything in as the countdown continues. The stress has also made it harder to eat as well as I should.

    I really enjoyed the nutrition session information that I received. I know I will be able to put it to good use. I also really enjoyed our first group workout together. I was definitely sweating after the upper body session & then we had a lower body session. So by the end of our workout, I was definitely worn out. I felt great though & I’m looking forward to the future group workout sessions. However, I will be missing the next two sessions since I will be in Phoenix. I know the long hours & heat will be a workout in itself so I’m pretty sure that I’ll be a few more pounds down when I return in August.

    Today I also enjoyed spending some time getting to know Patti during a window shopping trip to Macy’s & lunch at HuHot. We had a wonderful time talking about the challenge & I learned about another great, healthy restaurant. We’re also going to work out together this week & I’m really looking forward to it.

    What a blessing it is to be a part of such a great program where I’m learning how to live a healthier life & making great friends at the same time. Thanks, God!

    Many Blessings,

    Saturday, July 16, 2011

    Mixing Up Week 6

    Week 6 has been a wacky one. To make sure we are not getting too set into our routines with the Better U Challenge, our workouts were changed up this week & we also took mid-way assessments.

    My assessment took place Thursday and I was extremely excited with the results. The majority of my tests and measurements improved. Since this is a heart healthy makeover, I'm glad to report that my resting heart rate improved from 80 to 72 while my beats per minute decreased from 150 to 114 after the 3-minute step test. Weight was officially down 6 lbs. on Thursday; however, it was down 10 lbs. today. Even more exciting, my body fat percentage was down 10.4 percent, lean weight has increased 14 percent and fat weight has lowered 28 percent. My waistline was down almost 2 inches. Amazing results and an amazing blessing! So with these results, I am looking forward to the final assessment.

    Workouts this week were switched up. As previously stated, Monday was my full body workout at Fitness Together, then we were supposed to do cardio, upper and lower body workouts on our own. I did cardio on Wednesday, Friday and today. The lower body workout was Friday and upper body was today. I know the switch up was good because I was sore sooner and possibly sweat more.

    Although I wasn't able to wrap everything until today I'm very pleased since I had such a busy week outside of the Better U Challenge. Week 7 will also be a change as we will not have a workout with FT until Saturday and that will be a group training/workout session. Looking forward to seeing what's in store and how I am able to begin managing the workouts and routines on my own. I know it will be very beneficial to me keeping up the pace after the program ends.

    Thank you all for your encouragement, prayer and support. You're very much appreciated!

    Many Blessings,

    Tuesday, July 12, 2011

    Burnin' Up & Burnin' Calories

    We've reached the mid-way mark in the Better U Challenge & I am so excited!

    I did a great full body workout including push-ups, pull-downs, t-steps, wall sits, knee ups & more. So I was definitely sweating from the heat & the workout & it felt good! Even though it came with a horrible burn, I completed the 45-second wall sits while lifting weights & it was definitely a greater challenge than just the normal 30-second sit. It's so exciting to see the improvement & Thursday I will definitely find out the results of my healthy eating & workouts.

    Thursday will be my mid-program assessments. So I will be doing all of the fitness tests again & I can't wait to see how many inches I've lost. I've never been so excited to do physical fitness tests in my life! So thankful for the wonderful team of trainers at Fitness Together.

    Hoping to also see the numbers go down on the "official scale" on Thursday. With the added snacks & heat, I've noticed the numbers going down again on the scale. So I'm looking forward to seeing what the "official report" says. It's been fluctuating this month; however, I know it's been thanks to the adjusting of the eating & muscle building. So it's all good.

    Last but certainly not least, I want to wish my best friend from high school, Heather, a very Happy Birthday!!! She's a huge encouragement to me & I'm so looking forward to participating in a 5K with her in the near future! Love you, girl!

    Have a blessed mid-week, friends & family!

    Many Blessings,

    Sunday, July 10, 2011

    Goin' 90 to nothin'

    I survived the crazy, awesome holiday week!

    Got home about an hour ago from spending the weekend with family in St. Louis! We had a great time & I was able to stick to my guns & eat healthy, even at the ballpark! We took healthy snacks to eat on the road & at the park thanks to my wonderful Momma. She prepared grapes, cantaloupe, marshmallows, popcorn, and a trail mix for us. Thanks, Momma! Loved, loved, loved seeing the family & enjoying the game together. Stayed overnight & was able to visit today. We were even treated with a call from the cousins in Florida. So we had a fantastic time!

    The trip was definitely the reward for a great, short holiday week. I completed all my workouts, including my hardest workout on Thursday at FT. I was worn out Thursday but felt great. I completed the circuit that included ball squats, high steps, dead lifts, planks, and more. The first round was good & each round definitely got harder! I began sweating heavily after the completion of the second round & it took me a little while to catch my breath after the third & final round. Even though I was truly tested & worn out, I was thrilled to know that I could do it. 

    The full body & cardio were done Friday night & then I attended the nutrition class on Saturday morning. I'm really enjoying the classes. We're getting very valuable, applicable information. Suggestions for meals & snacks were given this week along with comparisons of the healthy & not-so-healthy choices. Lots of great information was received & I'm looking forward to putting it to good use. Glad to be able to spend time with my fellow Better U ladies, getting to know them & encouraging each other along the way.

    So I'm very thankful for a wonderful week & looking forward to the week ahead! We're changing things up this week with the program. We'll be doing a full body workout tomorrow, then taking mid-program assessments for the second session. I'm really looking forward to seeing my progress! On my own this week, I will doing the upper & lower body workouts, as well as the 360 cardio sessions.

    Have a happy, healthy week!

    Many Blessings,

    Tuesday, July 5, 2011

    A Happy, Healthy Fourth with the Family

    Week 5 of the challenge is underway and is going to be a little bit harder just with the holiday in the mix. I'm so amazed by the progress of this program in such a short time. I've got a few photos of my change through the last 17 months on Facebook in the "Jenn's Weight Loss Journey" album; however, I'm looking forward to seeing what God has for me through the rest of the challenge and following. Hope to post some new shots again soon before I leave for PHX. I'm so thankful for the blessings that God has given me through this journey. It's truly amazing. I know it's almost like a broken record that I "sing" every post; however, I really can't thank Him enough!

    Last week, after blogging I finished up my weekly workouts with the full body and cardio workouts. I'm just in awe at the new energy God has given me. I definitely feel healthier and almost younger if that's possible. I know I certainly feel better than when I was younger and I haven't felt this good in about seven years. God is good and He has a time and place for everything. He hasn't let me down nor is He ever going to let me down. He's led my family through so many trials and He's going to lead us through more mountains and valleys, and now I have even more strength to endure the climb.

    I enjoyed spending time with my family so much yesterday. I think we spent about five hours around my Great  Aunt's kitchen table telling stories and "catching up." I was pretty good at eating yesterday but I know also that I have to live and there's always going to be holidays; I just have to know when to stop. However, as sweet as those times are, there's always a bittersweet sadness in the air as we share the stories and think of all our loved ones who have gone before us. I definitely had a few moments yesterday thinking of the many holidays that I spent similarly around the table at my Nanny's (Dad's mom) in Granby. We could sit for hours there too. We would tell stories and play games of Liverpool Rummy and Backup on the board that my Pop made with his own drill. Yesterday also the fourth month since my Uncle Greg passed. Since March, my Grandma has had both of her boys with her in Heaven. 

    The memories I have of my family, the great times I share with my family today and the hopes of having my own family someday are definitely a great motivation for me to keep going in this journey. It's hard to believe that we've already completed a month of the challenge but it's been wonderful and I'm looking forward to finishing strong. Today I completed my first two workouts of the week. I did upper body exercises including the bar push-ups, bench press weights, overhead weights, and even those crazy jumping jacks. I don't know how long it's been since I've done jumping jacks but I did today, and of course I was thrilled to be able to box today. Then, I also completed the 30-minute cardio. Didn't want to add too much today thanks to the heat and the need to get stuff to done. Because of the holiday and the fact that we're seeing family this weekend also, it's definitely going to be more of a challenge this week to get in all six of the workouts. 

    It's going to be worth the extra work though to have more energy to run around with my not-so-little cousins and walk around the ballpark with my Mom, Grandpa, Aunt, Uncle and Cousin. I'm hoping to get in another cardio session tomorrow evening. Then do my lower body workout on Thursday and complete the full body and cardio workouts on Friday night. My expectations are high and my inspirations are even higher.

    Hope you all enjoyed your time with family and friends.

    Many Blessings,

    Saturday, July 2, 2011


    It's been a great but busy week and it's just going to get busier. I'm going full speed ahead with the American Heart Association's Go Red For Women Better U Challenge along with working full-time, and trying to fit in all of my other normal activities. It's a jam-packed summer and I'm loving it! To cap it off, my wonderful co-workers & I will be leaving for Phoenix in less than a month. I can't wait to see what God has in store for PHX!

    After completing the first nutrition class last Saturday, it's been a full week of trying to incorporate nutrition, training & cardio. I've been encouraged to keep track of what I've been eating. It's not the simplest thing but I've been doing pretty good on plugging the info into my phone. It's definitely harder to add more, healthier calories. However, I've been working on my nutrition for a while and within time, I know I will be able to make the necessary changes to have the complete heart healthy fitness package.

    I've completed 2 training & 2 cardio workouts this week. The workouts are definitely becoming more intense and I think I am keeping up the pace. Thursday was full of lower body and abdominal exercises, including lots of squats, lunges, wall sits & more. During the post-workout stretch I got to do some boxing again & I love boxing! It's so much fun! I also completed 3.25 miles during my cardio session last night. The workout took less than 70 minutes & I was very encouraged. In March, I participated in the Walk for MS with my friend, Jess, & we completed 3 miles in 70 minutes. So the fact that I was able to do the 3.25 in less than 70 minutes is definitely a great improvement. I'm so excited!

    Equally as exciting is the report that I had on the scales this morning! According to my scale, which is not as accurate as Fitness Together's, I am officially down 110 lbs. since February 2010! I could not be more excited, energized & so thankful for this amazing opportunity that God has placed in my life! This is going to sound so corny but I feel like I have enough excitement and energy to burst like a firecracker, & it's all thanks to God! He has given me this amazing desire & strength to conquer this struggle. I have never been more encouraged & determined to make a change in my life & God has completely given me more than I could even think of, ask for, or imagine & it's not over yet! (Sorry for all the exclamation points, I'm just a little excited. :) )

    Thank you all for your tremendous support; I appreciate it more than I could ever express. Love you all & hope you have a wonderful 4th of July weekend with your family & friends!

    Many Blessings,

    Monday, June 27, 2011

    Growing Confidence

    As the end of June approaches, Better U is beginning Week 4 of the challenge. Saturday was a great day as I went to our first nutrition class. It was great seeing all of my fellow Better U ladies, sponsors and gaining more knowledge to make this a permanent, healthy lifestyle change.

    It's no secret that growing up battling with my weight that I have had insecurity issues, not a lot of confidence in myself or my abilities. However, losing 100 lbs. is definitely a confidence booster. I'm not completely confident but I'm improving and definitely humbled and thankful for the amazing grace God has given me through this journey. Thank you all for the extra boost on Saturday also; it's nice to know I have a few more cheerleaders and know that I am cheering for you also!

    I definitely felt confident and willing to learn more during the session. I know I have tackled a lot of the steps needed to make the changes in my life and I'm also taking the steps to improve my overall health. As we begin nutrition, we are supposed to monitor and journal of our eating. I'm not really looking forward to the journal part and it's not something I want to be bogged down with; however, I know it will also help me to really tune into what needs work and improvement.

    As I worked out today, I definitely saw the need for the extra nutrition as the workout are getting more intense. I had not had a snack yet and by the time I had my workout almost complete, I was about to pass out due to my hypoglycemia. So the trainer advised me to definitely have a snack before my workout and I know that I will need more protein to keep from having more reactions. Although it's always a little scary to nearly pass out I'm glad that I was able to see the importance of eating the additional calories.

    I also know that if I keep up the two-a-day workouts that I am going to need the extra energy. During the 6 p.m. workout, I worked on the upper body and abs in three sets of three exercises. I know I will be feeling it for the next few days in the lats, biceps, triceps, deltoids and abs. I was also really excited to do some boxing again today; I love it! I love working out at Fitness Together. All the trainers are a great, wonderful help. I really appreciate their time and the comfortable atmosphere that they provide.

    After a sensible dinner with the family, I completed my cardio workout tonight. I did get in my 30 mins. with the increased and decreased inclines and speeds. I really enjoy the cardio workout also as I'm able to view how my heart is working and am definitely able to notice the difference.

    I know I've said it before but it's worth another mention, I am so blessed to be one of the ladies chosen to be part of the challenge. Every day that I am able to learn more about improving my health, the more blessed I feel. Thank you to all of you who are making this possible!

    Praying for all my fellow Better U ladies. Praying God gives you peace, comfort and sweet times with your family during the holiday.

    Many Blessings,

    Thursday, June 23, 2011

    Going For It!

    I'm feeling pretty good and excited after completing my second workout of the day!

    I met with the trainer at 5:15 p.m. for my lower body workout, second workout of the week. I completed 4 super sets including: leg presses, leg curls, squats on the leg press, "Good Mornings" with weight bars, wall sits and mountain climbs. I was pretty excited to find out that almost 9 years after my weight training in high school I was able to leg press 95 lbs. on my first day. Although some of the exercises were easier than the others, I definitely gave it my all.

    For my second workout of the day, I went to the gym to complete my second cardio session of the week. In a little over 3 hours, I completed 3.1 miles (5K) on the treadmill and was able to burn 300 calories. I still felt pretty good and am pretty excited about the idea of doing a 5K later in the year or beginning of next year. I feel so blessed! God is giving me an amazing amount of strength and determination to get through this challenge. I'm so grateful.

    Also, I am super excited that my dear friend, Christie, is going to be my accountability partner! We have been doing Zumba for a few months now and are both committed to making healthier choices in our lives. I'm so thankful for Christie! Love you, lady; you are such an inspiration to me! :)

    Finally, I am excited to begin nutrition classes with Fitness Together on Saturday. I will get to see all the ladies again and we will receive some great nutrition education for an hour and a half. FT is providing this service to us for the next five Saturdays. The trainer said today that each class is the equivalent of two sessions at FT. So I am looking forward it!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

    Many Blessings,

    Monday, June 20, 2011


    Well I have officially discovered why they call Better U a "Challenge!" It's a challenge in itself to try to fit in three upper, lower and full body workouts with an additional three cardio workouts, and try to function with your everyday let alone an extra busy week. To all the Moms going through the challenge with me, I admire you so much! I don't know how you do it but I would love to hear your experiences! Last week was crazy, good, but crazy!

    Nevertheless, I am committed to making myself an overall "healthy" person. In order to take full advantage of the wonderful opportunities available in this program, I decided that it probably work best with my schedule to go ahead and do the two workouts three times a week. I know it will be tough but so worth it & after this challenge & by the end of this year, I expect to be at my goal weight! I will work with Fitness Together on Mondays & Thursdays, then go to the gym for cardio later in the evening. I will also have to fit in another full body workout, as well as cardio, most likely on Saturday. Speaking of Saturdays, we will begin our nutrition classes this Saturday.  

    The classes will be meeting for an hour and a half for five weeks. I cannot wait to hear their suggestions for nutrition. I'm anxious to see if I will need to make many more changes or if I've already made the majority of the needed changes. I'm also a little bit nervous about this though too. Since Summer is so busy, I hope I will be able to make all the sessions but I know it too will be a challenge. Definitely a worthy challenge though!

    So today's workouts were good. Had a different upper body session today. I worked out a lot on the exercise ball to work on my core while lifting the weights and then did some awesome crunches. Yep, I'm going to hurt again but as they say, "No pain, no gain," and I definitely want to gain muscle. 

    The cardio also was more of a workout today. I spent 30 minutes working on the treadmill with the suggested routine and had the extra "glistening" going on when I left. Awesome. Then, I proceeded to go grocery shopping and that was, well, interesting. Lots of interesting people are in the grocery store at 11 p.m., even the nice stores, but at least the music was good & we will be eating good this week.

    Well I guess I better sign off before I fall asleep. Thank you all for your continuing support. You are such a blessing to me!

    Many Blessings,

    Thursday, June 16, 2011

    Laughter is the Best Medicine

    Today I tackled 2 workouts. After work, I headed over to Fitness Together for my lower body workout. I had a great time. Definitely "glistened" a lot more today and did some new exercises. The sets today consisted of ball squats, vertical lunges, hip thrusts, hip abductors and T steps on the aerobic step. At three cycles of 15, I was definitely worn by the end of the third set, and then did some stretching.

    I really enjoy working out at FT. All the trainers are very personal, encouraging and easy to talk to during the workout. I also found out today that we will be starting nutrition classes soon. I'm so excited to be taught some good nutrition and eventually take some cooking classes. I feel like I really am learning so much and this time it's really going to stick. I am going to be set to make this a permanent lifestyle change. What a blessing!

    So funny story, after the workout I was feeling good and headed to my car. There's a slight step outside the gym and as I took the step into the parking lot I almost wiped out! I did catch myself though and let out a big, "Whoa!" :) Then, I proceeded to walk to my car carefully and laugh hysterically in the car on the way home. Laughter is the best medicine... even if you're laughing at yourself. :) 

    After a sensible dinner in between workouts, I met Jess at Ozark Fitness for my second workout of the day. I headed to the treadmill to work on my cardio. I laughed at the machine remembering that one of the last times I visited my jacket got caught in the belt and made a hideous noise! :) So yep, I've had lots of opportunities to laugh at myself.

    I did a 35-minute cardio routine on the treadmill. Changing the inclines and speeds periodically, I was able to complete 1.5 miles and burn at least 150 calories. After completing the routine and "glistening" again, I took a short rest before doing a set of chest presses. So again, I felt worn out but good at the completion of the workout.  I feel good about all the future possibilities and am so excited to see what happens in the 12 weeks!  All the workouts are definitely going to be difficult to get in during the busy work week; however, I know it's so worth it!

    So thankful for this opportunity!

    Many Blessings,

    Monday, June 13, 2011

    Moving Forward

    Today begins Week 2 in the Better U Challenge. I am extremely encouraged, excited and nervous about this week for several reasons. Tonight I had my first real training time with one of the Fitness Together trainers. Oh. my. goodness. We worked on upper body only and I felt great throughout the workout. I was definitely being pushed and yet she told me that she was taking it "easy" on me for the first time compared to how the other trainers would be in the future. Oh. goodness. I'm excited though. I did bench pressing, free hand weights on one of the half-balance balls, resistant pulls while sitting on a full-balance ball, boxing (which I loved!) and crunches with a medicine ball. Needless to say, by the time the workout was over and I was headed home, my arms felt like spaghetti but I know with continued and improving workouts much success will be attainable. Thursday will be lower body so considering I almost couldn't lift my arms, I'm a little bit nervous about lower body but I am super excited also.

    Until Thursday, I will be working on cardio. I picked up my passkey to workout at the St. John's Fitness Center tonight also. It's really nice and a little intimidating also. The gyms definitely make me nervous because I am a very shy and introverted person at first. However, the facilities offer so much I know I will be able to get the job done. This week and the upcoming weeks are going to be crazy busy with fitting in all of my workouts but I am so ready for the challenge and most of all I am just ready and more ready to continue making a better me.

    While I am extremely excited about this week and the challenge, I know this week will be hard also. Wednesday will mark 5 years that my Daddy has been gone and I know it that will make this entire week a challenge in itself. However, I also know Daddy's death was one of my motivators for entering Better U. Nothing makes you want to change history more than losing your loved ones due to obesity, heart disease and several other medical complications. For this reason, I am embarking on this challenge, not only to improve my health but also to improve the health of my family, friends, community and future generations. My family has endured so much loss in such a short period of time. I want to do everything in my power to help all of us to live healthier, happier lives knowing that's what our family would want us to do until we do see them again.

    Thank you, God, for this amazing opportunity and give us the strength to carry on living our lives to the fullest until we see You and our loved ones again.

    Many Blessings,

    Thursday, June 9, 2011

    Working on a Better Me

    I met with the trainer for the first time tonight! Wow. The more I get into this challenge, the more blessed I feel! I really enjoyed the interaction, atmosphere and even the assessments, and I am looking forward to seeing my workout schedule.

    I still have improvements that I need to make for my overall health; however, I know the Better U Challenge is going to be the avenue to help me complete this leg of my journey. Tonight, I was able to see areas of my improvement, my numbers and areas that I want to work on in the coming months.

    It's so funny and exciting to me to see the change that is happening in my life. I have never been a real active person but in the last 16 months I have made a 180ยบ turn. I find myself wanting to run in little spurts and I actually kind of enjoyed the assessments, much like the physical fitness tests I took in school, how weird and awesome is that?!? Now that is a lifestyle change! ☺

    Thank you, God, for this amazing opportunity and the strength you give me to conquer the challenge daily.

    Many Blessings,

    Wednesday, June 8, 2011

    It's Officially Begun!

    Yesterday was the official kickoff event for the Go Red For Women Better U Challenge. We were introduced to the sponsors, received information and introduced ourselves to everyone in attendance.

    I was able to meet most of the women participating in the challenge and I am looking forward to getting to know them all. I'm looking forward to going through this journey with them.

    Today, I found out my results for my cholesterol & diabetes were normal! This is such a praise with my family medical history and the fact that I have not been to the doctor in more than two years! I am just so thankful for this opportunity and still find it hard to believe that I have been given this amazing blessing!

    Tomorrow, I will meet with the trainer to go over my family history and do an assessment so he can create a workout for me. I am so ready for this and so excited to using the St. John's Fitness Center!

    So in case you can't tell, I am very excited to be one of the 10 women chosen to participate in the challenge! I am so ready to learn how to make this change a permanent lifestyle change and I am so excited to be able to tell everyone that it is all thanks to God! Absolutely amazing!

    Have a wonderful Thursday!

    Many Blessings,

    P.S. This is really silly but I'm super excited because I received a tweet from Chris August, the reigning CCM Male Vocalist of the Year and one of my favorite artists, today! I posted that I was listening to his album and thinking about going to his show later this month. He responded, "@jenntaylor417: I think that's a pretty good idea :)" How Awesome is that?!!! Yep, I admit it, I am that girl that is a little giddy right now. :)

    Monday, June 6, 2011

    Ready, Set, Go!

    Today marked the official start of my participation in the Go Red for Women BetterU Challenge. While I didn't feel too great, I ate a good breakfast, lunch & dinner, and also was able to get in a 20-minute workout to wrap up the day.

    I'm so excited to be a part of this challenge, not only for me but also for those around me. So many women play a huge, influential role in my life. Since heart disease is the number one killer of women, I want to be a positive voice to fight against it.

    Please check out the challenge and other information available on the website, http://www.goredforwomen.org.

    Many Blessings,

    Sunday, June 5, 2011

    Forward: My Testimony

    I decided to share my testimony with my church family a few months ago and I thought it might be a good background post for the blog also.

    You may view the video here: http://vimeo.com/16451284

    Many Blessings,

    Friday, June 3, 2011

    Beginning the Journey

    Life is full of journey. From the day we are born to the day we meet our Maker, we embark on different adventures during childhood and the years following. Sixteen months ago, with much prayer, I set out on a new journey to overcome a lifelong struggle with my weight.

    After years of battling with unsuccessful diets, I finally gave my struggle to God realizing that He is my Creator; our bodies are the Temple of God; and knowing that any struggle or success I have is only possible by His Will. Once I gave Him my burden, He has blessed me with the strength to make new eating and exercise habits, truly making a lifestyle change. As of May 11, 2011, I have lost 100 pounds. Thank you, Jesus!

    I am so thankful to God for this opportunity, and for the tremendous support and encouragement from my family and friends. Furthermore, the journey is about to become even more exciting as I begin the final stretch of my weight loss and once again God has blessed me with a great opportunity to participate in the American Heart Association's BetterU Challenge. I am thrilled to be one of the 10 local women chosen and hope to be an encouragement to many other women during the journey. I am pleased to report that I have already had a successful first visit with a local cardiologist's office and am looking forward to the official start on Monday.

    My hope is to share this wonderful experience with you all in this blog, reporting on God's amazing blessings. Thank you all so much for your amazing support and prayers. I look forward to sharing this journey with you.

    Many Blessings,

    "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." -- Philippians 4:13