Monday, August 22, 2011


So much has changed in my life in the last few months that I have a hard time realizing the person staring back at me in the mirror is really me. I knew she was in there but to actually see her is... unbelievable.

The same is true, not only regarding the change in my overall health and looks, but also in my life as a whole. This week, a lot of change is coming as the 3-month Better U Program, the American Heart Association health challenge and heart healthy makeover, comes to end. Likewise, this is also my last week at my amazing job that I've held for the past 3 Summers. Little did I know, in both situations, how much I would truly grow.

When I started the challenge, I knew it would be a great opportunity as I had recently lost 100 lbs., and it could only help me come closer to my goal of becoming healthy. I would be under a doctor's care and receive additional training and nutrition. I had no idea how much the overall change would become a part of me. I love my workout times now; I miss them if I am not able to get them in, even though I did get most of the workouts in during the challenge. I crave the healthier foods and am pretty disgusted by the things that are not "good for me." I'm challenged and want those good numbers to reflect in my assessments next week, but I know I have learned so much more than could ever be shown in numbers and measurements. To top it off though, I have made wonderful friendships with the women in the program and learned so much from the fantastic trainers at Fitness Together. Although I know I will continue working and maintaining, I am going to miss this program.

Similarly, three years ago when I began working with the National Fine Arts Festival, I never could have imagined the blessed opportunity that had been given to me. I've had the amazing honor of helping some of the most talented teens in the country participate in a festival that encourages them to "discover, develop, deploy" the gifts God has given them.

Each year as I've watched these amazing young people perform, tears have filled my eyes. They are so inspiring and full of ambition. They know God has given them a great gift and they are eager to share it with others. At the same time, I've also been able to watch my passions, helping youth and writing, grow and come together. I've had the amazing opportunity to interview some of these amazing young people, write their stories and other great content for "ONCOURSE." 

Working for NFAF and writing for "ONCOURSE" is definitely a great part of God's will being unfolded in my life. I can remember it just like it was yesterday, the Summer night in Mexico when God called me to work with youth. Then, the afternoon sitting at a wrestling tournament chatting with my amazing youth pastor, Ron Hullett, about the dilemma I had as I loved writing and wanted to work for a magazine; however, I knew God had placed this great passion for youth in my heart. It seemed so unbelievably clear when he said, "Well, why don't you work for a Christian Youth Magazine." It's pretty awesome how God works out those things! Then, as if it couldn't get any better, I have made the most amazing, lifelong friends.

So forgive me if I've become a little emotional, I feel like I'm actually growing into the woman that God created me to be. I feel like I'm making myself an overall healthy person who is going to be able to complete every task that He sets before me. I know that even though there may be questions that He will never leave me. He will always provide for my every need. I know He has great plans and I am excited to see what He has for my future. I'm excited to see how He uses the challenge even more for His will and I'm excited to see where His will will take me.

Thank you for all of these amazing opportunities, God. Thank you for planting these desires in my heart. Thank you for all You have done and are going to do.

Many Blessings,

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