Thursday, June 16, 2011

Laughter is the Best Medicine

Today I tackled 2 workouts. After work, I headed over to Fitness Together for my lower body workout. I had a great time. Definitely "glistened" a lot more today and did some new exercises. The sets today consisted of ball squats, vertical lunges, hip thrusts, hip abductors and T steps on the aerobic step. At three cycles of 15, I was definitely worn by the end of the third set, and then did some stretching.

I really enjoy working out at FT. All the trainers are very personal, encouraging and easy to talk to during the workout. I also found out today that we will be starting nutrition classes soon. I'm so excited to be taught some good nutrition and eventually take some cooking classes. I feel like I really am learning so much and this time it's really going to stick. I am going to be set to make this a permanent lifestyle change. What a blessing!

So funny story, after the workout I was feeling good and headed to my car. There's a slight step outside the gym and as I took the step into the parking lot I almost wiped out! I did catch myself though and let out a big, "Whoa!" :) Then, I proceeded to walk to my car carefully and laugh hysterically in the car on the way home. Laughter is the best medicine... even if you're laughing at yourself. :) 

After a sensible dinner in between workouts, I met Jess at Ozark Fitness for my second workout of the day. I headed to the treadmill to work on my cardio. I laughed at the machine remembering that one of the last times I visited my jacket got caught in the belt and made a hideous noise! :) So yep, I've had lots of opportunities to laugh at myself.

I did a 35-minute cardio routine on the treadmill. Changing the inclines and speeds periodically, I was able to complete 1.5 miles and burn at least 150 calories. After completing the routine and "glistening" again, I took a short rest before doing a set of chest presses. So again, I felt worn out but good at the completion of the workout.  I feel good about all the future possibilities and am so excited to see what happens in the 12 weeks!  All the workouts are definitely going to be difficult to get in during the busy work week; however, I know it's so worth it!

So thankful for this opportunity!

Many Blessings,