Monday, June 13, 2011

Moving Forward

Today begins Week 2 in the Better U Challenge. I am extremely encouraged, excited and nervous about this week for several reasons. Tonight I had my first real training time with one of the Fitness Together trainers. Oh. my. goodness. We worked on upper body only and I felt great throughout the workout. I was definitely being pushed and yet she told me that she was taking it "easy" on me for the first time compared to how the other trainers would be in the future. Oh. goodness. I'm excited though. I did bench pressing, free hand weights on one of the half-balance balls, resistant pulls while sitting on a full-balance ball, boxing (which I loved!) and crunches with a medicine ball. Needless to say, by the time the workout was over and I was headed home, my arms felt like spaghetti but I know with continued and improving workouts much success will be attainable. Thursday will be lower body so considering I almost couldn't lift my arms, I'm a little bit nervous about lower body but I am super excited also.

Until Thursday, I will be working on cardio. I picked up my passkey to workout at the St. John's Fitness Center tonight also. It's really nice and a little intimidating also. The gyms definitely make me nervous because I am a very shy and introverted person at first. However, the facilities offer so much I know I will be able to get the job done. This week and the upcoming weeks are going to be crazy busy with fitting in all of my workouts but I am so ready for the challenge and most of all I am just ready and more ready to continue making a better me.

While I am extremely excited about this week and the challenge, I know this week will be hard also. Wednesday will mark 5 years that my Daddy has been gone and I know it that will make this entire week a challenge in itself. However, I also know Daddy's death was one of my motivators for entering Better U. Nothing makes you want to change history more than losing your loved ones due to obesity, heart disease and several other medical complications. For this reason, I am embarking on this challenge, not only to improve my health but also to improve the health of my family, friends, community and future generations. My family has endured so much loss in such a short period of time. I want to do everything in my power to help all of us to live healthier, happier lives knowing that's what our family would want us to do until we do see them again.

Thank you, God, for this amazing opportunity and give us the strength to carry on living our lives to the fullest until we see You and our loved ones again.

Many Blessings,

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