Monday, June 27, 2011

Growing Confidence

As the end of June approaches, Better U is beginning Week 4 of the challenge. Saturday was a great day as I went to our first nutrition class. It was great seeing all of my fellow Better U ladies, sponsors and gaining more knowledge to make this a permanent, healthy lifestyle change.

It's no secret that growing up battling with my weight that I have had insecurity issues, not a lot of confidence in myself or my abilities. However, losing 100 lbs. is definitely a confidence booster. I'm not completely confident but I'm improving and definitely humbled and thankful for the amazing grace God has given me through this journey. Thank you all for the extra boost on Saturday also; it's nice to know I have a few more cheerleaders and know that I am cheering for you also!

I definitely felt confident and willing to learn more during the session. I know I have tackled a lot of the steps needed to make the changes in my life and I'm also taking the steps to improve my overall health. As we begin nutrition, we are supposed to monitor and journal of our eating. I'm not really looking forward to the journal part and it's not something I want to be bogged down with; however, I know it will also help me to really tune into what needs work and improvement.

As I worked out today, I definitely saw the need for the extra nutrition as the workout are getting more intense. I had not had a snack yet and by the time I had my workout almost complete, I was about to pass out due to my hypoglycemia. So the trainer advised me to definitely have a snack before my workout and I know that I will need more protein to keep from having more reactions. Although it's always a little scary to nearly pass out I'm glad that I was able to see the importance of eating the additional calories.

I also know that if I keep up the two-a-day workouts that I am going to need the extra energy. During the 6 p.m. workout, I worked on the upper body and abs in three sets of three exercises. I know I will be feeling it for the next few days in the lats, biceps, triceps, deltoids and abs. I was also really excited to do some boxing again today; I love it! I love working out at Fitness Together. All the trainers are a great, wonderful help. I really appreciate their time and the comfortable atmosphere that they provide.

After a sensible dinner with the family, I completed my cardio workout tonight. I did get in my 30 mins. with the increased and decreased inclines and speeds. I really enjoy the cardio workout also as I'm able to view how my heart is working and am definitely able to notice the difference.

I know I've said it before but it's worth another mention, I am so blessed to be one of the ladies chosen to be part of the challenge. Every day that I am able to learn more about improving my health, the more blessed I feel. Thank you to all of you who are making this possible!

Praying for all my fellow Better U ladies. Praying God gives you peace, comfort and sweet times with your family during the holiday.

Many Blessings,

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