Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Playin' Catch Up on Posts

From Saturday, July 23

So I’m a little behind on the blogging. Life has got super busy with work & working out.

Transitioning to doing most of the workouts on my own was definitely more of a challenge this week. I’ve been getting so busy preparing for Phoenix that it’s harder to get everything in as the countdown continues. The stress has also made it harder to eat as well as I should.

I really enjoyed the nutrition session information that I received. I know I will be able to put it to good use. I also really enjoyed our first group workout together. I was definitely sweating after the upper body session & then we had a lower body session. So by the end of our workout, I was definitely worn out. I felt great though & I’m looking forward to the future group workout sessions. However, I will be missing the next two sessions since I will be in Phoenix. I know the long hours & heat will be a workout in itself so I’m pretty sure that I’ll be a few more pounds down when I return in August.

Today I also enjoyed spending some time getting to know Patti during a window shopping trip to Macy’s & lunch at HuHot. We had a wonderful time talking about the challenge & I learned about another great, healthy restaurant. We’re also going to work out together this week & I’m really looking forward to it.

What a blessing it is to be a part of such a great program where I’m learning how to live a healthier life & making great friends at the same time. Thanks, God!

Many Blessings,

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