Friday, August 22, 2014

Reflections on "13 Going on 30"

"Thirty, flirty and thriving," as a 30-year-old, single female who has loved "13 Going on 30" since its 2004 release, I definitely wanted that phrase to be a theme for this year of my life. But, as this journey called life goes, of course, my 30th year has had its ups and downs. To be honest, it's more like the not-so 30, flirty and thriving. However, more than ever, my greatest passion, my love for children has become much more evident.

So as I watched one of my favorite movies for the umpteenth time the other day, many thoughts came to mind about my life, my loved ones and God's hand in it all. I couldn’t help but think how much life has changed in the last 10 years.  

When the movie came out in 2004, I was a driven, college sophomore, enrolled in my favorite Magazine Design and Editing class and so excited to create a magazine prototype. I wanted to be "Jenn Taylor, big-time magazine editor." I was a planner; very wrapped up in achieving the dream like Jenna Rink. At 10, I knew I was going to be a writer, and more specifically a journalist at age 13. I collected storage bins full of magazines for "ideas." I was the girl who made her schedules for the next semester, and several semesters ahead before the materials were even available, because I was so excited about my future.

However, also at the time, I was a proud cousin of three little girls ages 2, 1 and 9 months. Today, those sweet girls that I fondly think of, spoil and love like my nieces are 13 and 11. They were the inspiration for my magazine and so much more since then. As I watched the movie, I couldn't help but reflect on how much I desired to be an adult at their age. How much I dreamed of what was to come.

So I would like to share a few words of loving advice to “my girls” and their generation.

Dear girls,
You are so smart, full of life, energy and imagination. So bright and beautiful, I know you will grow up to be wonderful, world-changing women one day. I know that you can achieve whatever dream you have someday. However, I pray that you don’t rush ahead. Soak up and relish every moment in your life right now.

Enjoy your time with your friends and family. Spend time with loved ones who you can laugh, cry and be silly with, the ones who love you just the way you are because you are amazing! Don’t worry about wasting your time with people who are mean, want to use you or make you something you are not. You are such beautiful, rare treasures that deserve to be loved. Cherish your time with these people.  

Appreciate these special people because you may need to lean on them during the tough times. Life is going to throw you unexpected curveballs and you’re going to need help beyond yourself. Friends and family are such a blessing from God; however, I pray that you will turn to God first in these moments. He always hears you and wants to help you. He’s the one who has helped me the most and turning to Him is the greatest advice that anyone can give you. We all love you; however, He loves you more than you can ever imagine.

I love you, girls, more than words can say. You are some of the greatest blessings in my life and I pray God blesses you abundantly!

Much love always,

We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps.
~ Proverbs 16:9 NLT

I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. ~ Psalm 139:14 ESV

Many, LORD my God, are the wonders you have done, the things you planned for us. None can compare with you; were I to speak and tell of your deeds, they would be too many to declare. 
~ Psalm 40:5

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget Ecclesiastes 3. ;) I can relate on so many levels. Although at 30 I had 3 babies & a hubby... you can't help but reflect during such a milestone & wonder how your best laid plans could somehow have a hole in them. ;) No doubt God has something mighty for you. Whether it me your writing or whatever He has gifted you with.... you're a willing vessel... & honestly.... I believe that's all He needs. I look forward to keeping up with your blog. Blessings.
