Friday, June 22, 2012

More than I can imagine

Hello, friends!

So it looks like I'm playing catch up on the blog again. I'm very excited to report though that as the temperatures have become warmer, my life has become busier!

In May, I began two wonderful volunteer opportunities and both involve being a positive influence in the lives of women. Amazing! I know that God is able to do more than we could ask or imagine but it's still hard for me to imagine myself being in my current status.

First, I'm blessed to be a mentor for this year's local BetterU Challenge. I've created a private online group for the 10 amazing women to communicate and encourage each other through the challenge and have been so pleased to see how the ladies are coming together in just the first week. I'm also excited to be journeying with them through the workouts, informational meetings and more. In case you missed it, the News-Leader did a nice write up on the kick-off event that you may read here. I'm also thrilled to have the opportunity to have a guest blog post with Thrive Personal Fitness on Monday. That's definitely not something I would ever say or be given the opportunity! So be looking for more frequent post as I go through the journey again with the encouragement of these amazing ladies as my focus.

Second, God made amazing divine appointments when I was volunteering at the JRA men's conference in April. I was talking with a friend who told me about an amazing women's organization that she works for called LeadHer. God is still working out all the details as far as my involvement with this amazing organization; however, I am excited to get to know these ladies at the local monthly meetings where I am so encouraged and blessed. Our local group also volunteers in Ozark once month ministering at a women's shelter. So thankful for God's leading and excited to see what He has in store.

As for June, I'm thankful for the Lord's leading and healing. Since my father's passing June 15, 2006, I have dreaded this month. However, this year has been so amazing and I have just been so blown away by the works of His hands. I'm thankful to feel His loving embrace and find myself surrounded by such loving family and friends. Also, more work opportunities have opened up with freelancing, working part time and watching kids. I am so blessed by all God has done and just can't wait to see what He has in store. I know He is at work! Now, I just have to keep telling myself to wait and He was He is going to do.

"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.
-- Ephesians 3:20-21

Many Blessings,

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