Monday, April 16, 2012

3.2.1... Nearing the Finish Line

Today I hit a major milestone in the journey. I knew it was coming and have anticipated it for months and years. Talk about endurance. 

I stepped on the scale today and the beginning number was new and it signified the tremendous change that God has made in my life. He has made me a new person and this journey in my life is nearing the end. He has stretched and strengthened me. I am doing so many things with joy in my life for the first time. I still have no "athletic ability;" however, I sure love the activity and laughing at my attempts as I'm learning and adjusting to this new life God has given me. Today, I stepped on the scale and my weight began with a "1!"

So here's the honest truth, family and friends. Everyone knows that women do not like to talk about their weight. However, I will happily share this because I praise God for the grace He has given me. When I started this journey in February 2010, I weighed 340 lbs. Today, I stepped on the scales and it fluctuated in the 190s. (Yes, I have to weigh several times to believe the reality and the scale changes every time. :) ) I am thrilled! I have less than 25 lbs. to lose and I will be finished with this journey. My finishing weight will be near 175, nearly half the weight I once was and much healthier. As a healthy, strong woman I will be able to fulfill the desires God has placed in my heart. I will be able to juggle all the tasks set before me with more ease, including the day, when God sees fit, for me to be the wife and mother that He created me to be. God has prepared me and I'm going to be in the best shape that I've ever been. I'm so excited to see what the future He has for me holds. 

Speaking of the future, I am happy to report that He is preparing me for a new journey. His messages have been so clear that there are great things coming. I do not not know what they are yet; however, I am so thrilled to know that He has prepared me to be spiritually and physically ready for what He has planned for me. Please pray with me as I seek His direction for this new and exciting chapter.

Again though, I have to Praise God for the work He has done! The most amazing thing about this journey is to see how God has been with me through it all. Obviously, it's not been easy. There have been a lot of rocks and possible detours, including: death, job uncertainty, relationship changes, moving, family health issues and more, that could have sidelined me during the journey. However, God was and is my constant companion. He's challenged and encouraged me every step of the way. He's ran beside me, even when I felt like I couldn't hear His direction, and He brought many amazing people into my life along the way to help cheer me on as I proceeded. Thank you, all, for your continued support, and most importantly, Thank you, God! Aaaahhh, He is so AMAZING!

"The LORD is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise him, my father's God, and I will exalt him." -- Exodus 15:2 

Many Blessings,