Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Sharing My Story, Starting a New Chapter!

So yeah, it's been a while... I can't tell you the number of times I've started to post and then stopped. God has done a lot of work in a little more than a year. My family has gone through more tests, and although they are not over, I know He is faithful. I know there is more of the story to share and parts that I am holding onto tight He will have me share one day in His perfect timing. After all, they are a part of the journey.

However, I do want to share some exciting updates with you, if you have not already read them from my Facebook posts. I'm starting a new chapter and God has given me a couple of opportunities to share my story along the way to this new beginning.

First, I was introduced to The Grace Mask blog through friends at church. I was really excited about this opportunity because I really desired to have some professional photos taken in light of the miraculous weight loss journey God gave me. However, I knew it was about more than beauty shots. I knew this was something God wanted to use also. So for this reason and in God's direction, I chose to share the story on The Grace Mask blog. The experience was such a blessing. I was able to hear more amazing God stories and encourage others to share what God has done in their lives.  I'm so thankful for the stepping stones He brings that lead to another part of the journey, and the people He brings along the way to make those amazing impacts.

Second, the BIGGEST change in my life has occurred with my involvement in the amazing ministry and organization of LeadHer. God brought together so many puzzle pieces of my journey when He placed this ministry and all the wonderful ladies into my life. Looking back at it now, I can truly see God's hand in it all. I am so blessed to be a part of this ministry and cannot believe God is allowing me to be involved in such a marvelous work of His. I am daily encouraged by the ladies, who are older and younger than me, as they speak words of Truth and Life. I'm truly excited about this new chapter -- to see how the ministry will grow and all of the new faces He will bring into our paths along the way.

With this new chapter, I will be spending a great deal of time posting on the social media sites for LeadHer, as well as other responsibilities. Among those responsibilities will be the LeadHer blog. For my first post, I wrote an introductory piece and some insight as to my involvement in the ministry. So with that being said, I cannot tell you how often I will actually be on this blog. However, I hope you will to continue to follow all the amazing things God is doing via the Facebook and LeadHer sites. I cannot really express how amazing this whole opportunity is for me. Again, all I can think is, "God is Faithful, and I am humbled!"

There's a song by Casting Crowns called "You're Already There" that really relates to it all. Singer Mark Hall shares the story of the song here. I hope you all know that no matter what you are facing, whether it's a valley or mountain top experience that God truly is there through it all with you. Nothing is a surprise to Him. He loves you with an everlasting love and He wants the best for you!

Thank you all for your continued support, prayer and encouragement along the way. You all are a blessing.

Many Blessings,